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Le blog de Mrs. Perrault
8 février 2018

Treating teachers like professional athletes

What do you think about this? What if we treated teachers the same way we treat professional athletes?
11 février 2018

Theory of relativity

This student won $400 000 with her video on relativity. Really amazing. Even I understood! ;-) What do you think about it? Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2017 | Relativity & The Equivalence of Reference Frames
21 janvier 2019

Bonus work for TS

Here is a bonus work you can do if you want to improve your blog grade for Term 2 (or if you just want to improve ;-)). In a short (but complete) paragraph, tell us about your "after high school" project. What do you intend to do? Where? For how long?...
12 décembre 2015

Christmas at Hogwarts

Here is the video we watched in class. You can watch it again. --> For bonus, write about what we see in the video. You can describe the place, the people, etc. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - christmas at Hogwarts (HD)
22 octobre 2012

My movie on physical description: practice for the oral

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